$030013B8: $030013B9 - Screen Location (X) $030013BA: $030013BB - Screen Location (Y) $030013D4: What Samus is Doing 00: Running 01: Standing 03: Shooting 04: Crouching 06: Shooting While Crouching 08: Jumping 0A: Landing 0C: Diagonal Jumping 0D: Wall Jumping 0F: Screw Attacking 11: Morph Ball 12: Morph Ball Rolling 13: Morph Ball -> Crouching 14: Morph Ball Jumping 15: Hanging 16: 15 -> 18 17: 18 -> 15 18: Hanging (With Arm Cannon) 19: Hanging and Shooting 20: Morph Ball (Stuck) 21: Shine Sparking (Upwards) 22: Shine Spark Collision (Upwards) 23: Flipping 25: Shine Sparking as a Morph Ball 26: Shine Spark Morph Ball Collision 28: Hanging onto Sliding Thing in Kraid 29: Ditto, with gun out 31: Crash...? 33: Dying 34: Crawling Without Suit 3B: Standing Without Suit $030013D5: Odd. 00 when standing, 02 when jumping, 05 when hanging... $030013D6: Where Samus is Aiming 00: Straight Forward 01: Diagonally Upwards 02: Diagonally Downwards 03: Straight Up 04: Straight Down $030013DC: How long Speed Booster lasts $030013E2: Direction Samus is Facing 10: Left 20: Right $030013E6 - $030013E7: Current Location (X) $030013E8 - $030013E9: Current Location (Y) $030013EB: if >= 80, Speed Booster Backwards, if <= 7F, Speed Booster Forwards, if 00, do nothing $03001416: What You're Shooting 00: Beam/Bomb 01: Missiles 02: Super Missiles 04: Power Bomb $03001417: Type of missile selected 00: Missiles 01: Super Missiles $03001419: Charge Beam Status $03001530 - $03001531 - Max Amount of Health $03001532 - $03001533 - Max Amount of Missiles $03001534 - Max Amount of Super Missiles $03001535 - Max Amount of Power Bombs $03001536 - $03001537 - Current Amount of Health $03001538 - $03001539 - Current Amount of Missiles $0300153A - Current Amount of Super Missiles $0300153B - Current Amount of Power Bombs $0300153C - Beams in Inventory $0300153D - Equipped Beams Bit 1: Unused Bit 2: Unused Bit 3: Unused Bit 4: Charge Beam Bit 5: Plasma Beam Bit 6: Wave Beam Bit 7: Ice Beam Bit 8: Long Beam $0300153E - Misc Items in Inventory $0300153F - Equipped Misc Items bit 1: Power Grip bit 2: Morph Ball bit 3: Gravity Suit bit 4: Varia Suit bit 5: Screw Attack bit 6: Space Jump bit 7: Speed Booster bit 8: High Jump