-------------------------------------------------- MONSTER BATTLE SCRIPT INSTRUCTIONS $3932AA-$3959F3 pointers: $3930AA-$3932A9 -------------------------------------------------- ** choose one attack/special E0 ** ** ** choose from three random attacks E2 ** targetting: ** 00-04 Mario - Mallow (character bytes) 10 character in slot 1 11 character in slot 2 12 character in slot 3 13 monster 1 14 monster 2 15 monster 3 16 monster 4 17 monster 5 18 monster 6 19 monster 7 1A monster 8 1B self 1C all allies, excluding self 1D random ally, excluding self (opponent if N/A) 1E all allies, and self 1F random ally, or self 20 21 22 23 all opponents 24 at least one opponent 25 random opponent 26 27 at least one ally 28 monster 1 29 monster 2 2A monster 3 2B monster 4 2C monster 5 2D monster 6 2E monster 7 2F monster 8 E3 ** choose battle dialogue E5 ** choose battle scene E6 00 $$ increment variable $$ E6 01 $$ decrement variable $$ E7 00 $$ ** set variable $$ bits ** E7 01 $$ ** clear variable $$ bits ** E8 $$ zero out variable $$ SPECIAL VARIABLES: variable $05 is used for the random number generator variable $06 is used as a counter for attack phases EA 00 00 ** target ** is removed from battle EA 01 00 ** target ** is called to battle EB 00 ** target ** becomes invincible EB 01 ** target ** nulls invincibility + protection protection = special defense (instant death, sheepify, cookie) ie. Exor is actually protected against instant death, but this function nulls it EC exit battle ED ** generate random number between 00 and ** EF ** choose one spell F0 ** ** ** choose from three random spells F1 ** execute animation 03 death animation; most common others used for various effects on various monsters F2 00 ** monster ** becomes untargettable F2 01 ** monster ** becomes targettable 00 self 01 monster 1 02 monster 2 etc... F3 00 ** enable command ** (01, attack, 02 special, 04 item) F3 01 ** disable command ** F4 00 ** 00 set item inventory: 00 remove items, 01 return items FB nothing FC 01 ** ** if enemy has been attacked by command ** or ** 02 Attack 03 Special 04 Item FC 02 ** ** if enemy has been attacked by spell ** or ** FC 03 ** ** if enemy has been affected by item ** or ** FC 04 ** 00 if enemy has been attacked by element ** FC 05 00 00 if enemy has been attacked FC 06 ?? ** if target: ??, HP is below (** x16) FC 07 ** ** if HP is below ** FC 08 ?? ** if target ?? is affected by status ** FC 09 ?? ** if target ?? is not affected by status ** FC 0A ** 00 if attack phase counter at ** (after ** turns) FC 0C $$ ** if variable $$ is less than ** FC 0D $$ ** if variable $$ is greater than or equal to ** FC 10 00 ** if target ** is alive FC 10 01 ** if target ** is dead FC 11 $$ ** if variable $$ bits ** are set FC 12 $$ ** if variable $$ bits ** are clear FC 13 ** ** if monster is in formation: ** ** FC 14 00 00 if only one monster alive FD wait 1 turn FE wait 1 turn, recheck ifs from beginning FF (1st) end ifs and common command scripts; start HP-check/counter-attack/death scripts FF (2nd) end all command scripts, start over