---------------------------------- OVERWORLD DIALOGUE $220000-$240000 pointers: $37E000-$37FFFF ---------------------------------- (dialogue ID * 2) + 37E000 = pointer offset dialogue ID's are 12 bits long bits 10-12 are used to determine the bank here is the procedure by which to find the exact offset of the dialogue d = dialogue ID if (d AND 0xFE00) < 8 (d + 0x2206E3) = offset else (d AND 0xFE00) - 8 if (d AND 0xFE00 - 8) < 4 (d + 0x237583) = offset else (d AND 0xFE00 - 12) if (d AND 0xFE00 - 12) < 4 (d + 0x24531E) = offset else end 00 end of string (wait for controller input) 01 line break 02 line break (wait for controller input) 03 page break (wait for controller input) 04 page break 05 stop dialogue (wait for controller input) 06 end of string 07 option selector triangle 08 double space 09 triple space 0A quadruple space 0B xx space length xx spaces 0C delay 10 frames 0D xx delay xx frames 0E-19 common word pointers 1A variable for item name (read from current value of 00:70A7) 1C variable for EXP/coin value (read from current value of 00:7000) 20-39 ASCII 3A-3E symbols 3F-5B ASCII 60-7A ASCII 7B-8D unused 8E-9C symbols ITEM ICONS 21 Glove 22 Hammer 23 Shell 24 Heart 25 Note 26 Fan 27 Kinklink 28 Cane 29 Wand 2D Jar 2E Cookie 3B Bomb 3C Armor 3D Ring 3E Trashcan 3F 7F 00={endstring_i} 01={linebrk} 02={linebrk_i} 03={pagebrk_i} 04={pagebrk} 05={stop_i} 06={endstring} 07={option_tri} 08= 09= 0A= 0B=space: 0C=delay 0D=delay: 0E= the 0F= you 10=in 11= to 12='s 13=Mario 14= I 15= and 16=is 17= so 18=Mario 19=Mario 1A={item variable} (from event memory 00:70A7) 1C={variable 00} (from event memory 00:7000) {variable 01} (from event memory 00:7024) 20= 21=! 22=“ 23=” 24={heart} 25={music_note} 26=‘ 27=’ 28=( 29=) 2A=· 2B=·· 2C=, 2D=- 2E=. 2F=/ 30=0 31=1 32=2 33=3 34=4 35=5 36=6 37=7 38=8 39=9 3A=~ 3B={tl_corner} 3C={lr_corner} 3D={tl_corner_bold} 3E={br_corner_bold} 3F=? 40=@ 41=A 42=B 43=C 44=D 45=E 46=F 47=G 48=H 49=I 4A=J 4B=K 4C=L 4D=M 4E=N 4F=O 50=P 51=Q 52=R 53=S 54=T 55=U 56=V 57=W 58=X 59=Y 5A=Z 61=a 62=b 63=c 64=d 65=e 66=f 67=g 68=h 69=i 6A=j 6B=k 6C=l 6D=m 6E=n 6F=o 70=p 71=q 72=r 73=s 74=t 75=u 76=v 77=w 78=x 79=y 7A=z 8E=: 8F=; 90=< 91=> 92=··· 93=# 94=+ 95=× 96=% 97={up_arrow} 98={right_arrow} 99={left_arrow} 9A=* 9B=' 9C=&