C01AE0 read room header C01B5C load palette PTR for rooms in houses C02BC9 JSR to 2BF5 C02BF5 load palette for most areas C02CD3 'Freebie' timer C03E93 read event data C06A56 load joypad register and store to RAM C06B8B random number generator C0B975 read event pointer C0C4FF recover all HP after fight C0C50C recover all FP after fight C004B7 menu accessibility C004ED inaccessible in Bowser's Castle, 1st time $C0/4E16 B9 01 00 LDA $0001,y[$DE:F82B] load Mario's Pipehouse palette PTR C08B81 sprite mapping (SA-1) C0F782 decompression (SA-1) C20C4F load spell animation data C22294 'Run Away' timer C2299B Lucky Jewel counter (part 1) C22C07 Lamb's Lure Counter C22C19 Lucky Jewel counter (part 2) C22C6D Mystery Egg counter C22FF4 fade-out code? C241A7 load constant to limit spell/attack name length C24973 fade-out code? C25DCD monster explosion pointer (universal) C266AB load Shocker timing ranges C26713 load Super/Ultra Jump, Thunderbolt, Come Back, Geno Boost C2676E load Fire Orb, Super/Ultra Flame timing ranges C26803 load Psych Bomb, Bowser Crush timing ranges C2682D load d-pad rotation timing ranges C268F8 load Geno Beam timing ranges C29092 load formation pack formation bytes C2926D copy post-battle stats to character RAM C292DD Coin Trick C293DE copy monster stats to RAM C2A6A9 battle script function: ED C2AE6F subtract FP cost C2B2FE Miss C2B58E load timing variables for weapon C2C1F4 final damage read C2C266 modify final damage C2C55E subtract final damage from current HP C2BD69 damage type C2BE09 reusable item C2BEDE check if monster dead C2C19E Hit % and Evade % C2C266 damage modifier C2C55E subtract damage from HP C2C6A6 Flower Bonus C2C7A0 status ailments C2C82F regenerate HP (mushroom) C2C86F reduce HP (poison) C2C8E3 timed attack damage modifier C2C952 timed defense C2CA23 9999 damage/instant death C2CF35 Geno Boost C2DC76 load XP won and store to current XP -------------------------------------------------------- C2CBEB read Super Jump timer, branch if timed too late $C2/CBEB AD DE 30 LDA $30DE [$00:30DE] ;load counter $C2/CBEE 3A DEC A ;decrement $C2/CBEF 85 B0 STA $B0 [$00:00B0] ;store $C2/CBF1 10 01 BPL $01 [$CBF4] ;branch if greater than 0 (timed too late) $C2/CBF4 AE 50 07 LDX $0750 [$00:0750] $C2/CBF7 86 C8 STX $C8 [$00:00C8] $C2/CBF9 AE 30 07 LDX $0730 [$00:0730] $C2/CBFC 86 CA STX $CA [$00:00CA] $C2/CBFE A9 00 01 LDA #$0100 $C2/CC01 85 CE STA $CE [$00:00CE] $C2/CC03 BF 5E 00 7E LDA $7E005E,x[$7E:FC5E] $C2/CC07 85 C2 STA $C2 [$00:00C2] $C2/CC09 BF 44 00 7E LDA $7E0044,x[$7E:FC44] $C2/CC0D 89 80 00 BIT #$0080 ;carry bit 7 $C2/CC10 D0 06 BNE $06 [$CC18] ;branch if bit 7 not clear $C2/CC18 BF 45 00 7E LDA $7E0045,x[$7E:FC45] ;load current damage $C2/CC1C 18 CLC ;carry clear $C2/CC1D 65 C2 ADC $C2 [$00:00C2] ;add damage for every jump $C2/CC1F 9F 45 00 7E STA $7E0045,x[$7E:FC45] ;store to damage $C2/CC23 BF 11 00 7E LDA $7E0011,x[$7E:FC11] ;load monster's current HP $C2/CC27 F0 1A BEQ $1A [$CC43] ;branch if at 0 $C2/CC43 60 RTS --------------------------------------------------------------- C2CE85 Geno Beam final damage calculator C2CFF2 Star Rain timer C2CFAE load 9999 variable for timed Geno Whirl C31604 starting address of overworld menu frame: top menu, character stats C31669 X position of character objects on overworld menu: top menu C318D6 X position of cursor on overworld menu: item menu C32742 starting address of overworld menu text: item menu, item list C32792 starting address of overworld menu frame: item menu, item list C3279F length of overworld menu frame: item menu, item list C328DE starting address of overworld menu frame: item menu, character stats C3290C X position of character objects on overworld menu: item menu C32968 starting address of overworld menu frame: item menu, item description C3296A length of overworld menu frame: item menu, item description C3296C starting address of overworld menu frame: item menu, flowers C3296E length of overworld menu frame: item menu, flowers C32E1A starting address of overworld menu frame: status menu, battle stats C32E20 length of overworld menu frame: status menu, battle stats C32E30 X position of character objects on overworld menu: status menu C32F96 starting address of overworld menu text: status menu, character stats C32FA8 length of overworld menu text: status menu, character stats C32FDF starting address of overworld menu frame: status menu, character stats C32FF2 length of overworld menu frame: status menu, character stats C33279 starting addresses of stats C332E5 starting address of overworld menu frame: special, character stats C332F0 starting address of overworld menu empty space: special, item description C332F8 starting address of overworld menu text: special, flowers C3330A X position of character objects on overworld menu: special C3334E starting address of overworld menu frame: special, specials C33352 starting address of overworld menu frame: special, flowers C33356 starting address of overworld menu frame: special, special descriptions C3335B starting address of overworld menu text: special, special descriptions flower used C33588 starting address of overworld menu text: special, special descriptions clear space C335EB starting address of overworld menu text: special, flower points C33632 clearer C33665 C3366D C33741 starting address of overworld menu text: special, specials C3618C starting address of overworld menu frame: switch C361CA X position of character objects on overworld menu: switch C36EB6 load tilemap for overworld menu C36F5C length of overworld menu frame: item menu, character stats C3786C load text for overworld menu C9576D read door exit pointer C96CBC read exit field pointer C96DFA read room data C96FB7 read room byte PTR C9CD69 check object engagement property