=============================================================================== BYTE ASSIGNMENTS (values in [] are indexed below) =============================================================================== MONSTER STATS <390226-391146> Byte 1,2 HP Byte 3 Speed Byte 4 Attack Byte 5 Defense Byte 6 Magic Attack Byte 7 Magic Defense Byte 8 FP Byte 9 Evade % Byte 10 Magic Evade % Byte 11 Special Attribute [13] Byte 12 lower bits: Special Defense [12] upper bits: Attack Sound (hit) [17] Byte 13 Ineffective Element(s) [9] Byte 14 lower bits: Attack Sound (approach) [18] upper bits: Elemental Weaknesses [9] Byte 15 Ineffective Ailment(s) [10] Byte 16 lower bits: Entrance Style [15] upper bits: Elevation, Coin Animation [15] --------------------------------------------------------------- MONSTER SPECIAL ATTACK STATS <391226 - 391425> 5 Bytes each Byte 1 attack flags [5] Byte 2 hit rate Byte 3 status ailment [10] Byte 4 status enhancement [11] --------------------------------------------------------------- MONSTER STATS <39162A - 391C29> Byte 1,2 EXP Byte 3 Coins Byte 4 Yoshi Cookie Byte 5 Item Win Byte 6 Rare Item Win --------------------------------------------------------------- ALLY STARTING STATS <3A002C - 3A008F> Byte 1 Level Byte 2,3 Current HP Byte 4,5 Max HP Byte 6 Speed Byte 7 Attack Byte 8 Defense Byte 9 Magic Attack Byte 10 Magic Defense Byte 11,12 Experience Byte 13 Starting Weapon Byte 14 Starting Armor Byte 15 Starting Accessory Byte 16 ???? Byte 17-20 Spell list [16] --------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM STATS <3A014D - 3A134C> 18 Bytes each Byte 1 lower bits: item type [1] upper bits: use flags [1] Byte 2 lower bits: status flags (affects byte 8 & 9) [4] upper bits: cursor behavior [4] Byte 3 who can equip [2] Byte 4 targetting [8] Byte 5 element [9] Byte 6 ineffective elements (used for armor/accessories) [9] Byte 7 elemental weaknesses (used for armor/accessories) [9] Byte 8 status ailment [10] Byte 9 status enhancement [11] Byte 10 Speed Byte 11 Attack Byte 12 Defense Byte 13 Magic Attack Byte 14 Magic Defense Byte 15 Attack Range: item's Attack Power - and + specified value Byte 16 heal/damage amount Byte 17 attack flags (affects byte 16) [6] Byte 18 hide digits if damage (bit 2) --------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIC STATS <3A20F1 - 3A26F0> 12 Bytes each Byte 1 special flags [3] Byte 2 attack flags (affects byte 8 & 9) [7] Byte 3 FP cost Byte 4 targetting [8] Byte 5 element [9] Byte 6 Magic Power Byte 7 Hit % Byte 8 status ailment [10] Byte 9 status enhancement [11] Byte 10 ---- Byte 11 special function [14] Byte 12 digit display (bit 2 - hide) --------------------------------------------------------------- SHOP STATS <3A44DF - 3A565E> 16 bytes each Byte 1 bit 0 buy only w/Frog Coins, only one product each bit 1 buy only w/Frog Coins bit 2 buy only bit 3 buy only bit 4 6% discount bit 5 12% discount bit 6 25% discount bit 7 50% discount Byte 2-16 items for sale =========================================================================== BYTE VALUES INDEX =========================================================================== 1. ITEM TYPE, ITEM USAGE (items only) zero weapon bit 0 armor bit 1 accessory bit 0,1 item bit 2 ---- bit 3 usable in battle menu bit 4 usable in overworld menu bit 5 reusable bit 6 ---- bit 7 prevents instant death --------------------------------------------------------------- 2. WHO CAN EQUIP (items only) bit 0 Mario bit 1 Toadstool bit 2 Bowser bit 3 Geno bit 4 Mallow --------------------------------------------------------------- 3. SPECIAL FLAGS (magic only) bit 0 read from attack & defense of allies/monsters bit 1 ignore defense bit 5 check if target death-protected bit 7 usable in overworld menu --------------------------------------------------------------- 4. STATUS FLAGS, CURSOR BEHAVIOR (items only) bits 5-7 only apply to the overworld menu cursor behavior; they do not indicate WHAT to replenish bit 0 status protection bit 1 status infliction bit 2 status nullify bit 3 ---- bit 4 ---- bit 5 direct cursor to FP bit 6 restore only if FP not maxed out bit 7 restore only if HP not maxed out default cursor to HP, if bit 5 not set --------------------------------------------------------------- 5. ATTACK FLAGS (special attacks only) bit 0-2 attack level (0-7) 0 = x1 1 = x1.5 2 = x2 3 = x4 4 = x8 5 = x16 6 = x32 7 = x64 bit 3 9999 dmg/instant death bit 4 no damage bit 5 hide damage digits bit 6 no damage bit 7 ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ATTACK FLAGS (items only) #$01 revive #$02 FP #$03 miss #$04 HP #$05 all HP/FP #$06 max FP +1 #$07 destroy #$FF damage --------------------------------------------------------------- 7. ATTACK FLAGS (magic only) bit 0 heal bit 1 inflict bit 2 nullify bit 3 9999 damage --------------------------------------------------------------- 8. TARGETTING bit 0 ---- bit 1 usable on any ally bit 2 usable on enemy bit 3 ---- bit 4 usable on all bit 5 usable on wounded bit 6 usable on one party only bit 7 usable on other allies only --------------------------------------------------------------- 9. ELEMENT/STATUS AILMENT bit 0 Mute bit 1 Sleep bit 2 Poison bit 3 Fear bit 4 Ice bit 5 Thunder bit 6 Fire bit 7 Earth --------------------------------------------------------------- 10. STATUS AILMENT / TRANSFORMATION bit 0 Mute bit 1 Sleep bit 2 Poison bit 3 Fear bit 4 ---- bit 5 Mushroom bit 6 Scarecrow bit 7 Invincibility --------------------------------------------------------------- 11. STATUS ENHANCEMENT bit 3 Magic Attack Up bit 4 Attack Up bit 5 Magic Defense Up bit 6 Defense Up --------------------------------------------------------------- 12. SPECIAL DEFENSE (monsters only) bit 0 invincibility bit 1 protected against instant death bit 2-3 ratio of success to failure of morph items (sheep, cookies) #$04 bit 2 1:3 #$08 bit 3 2:3 #$0C bit 2,3 3:3 (100% success) if no bits set, 100% failure --------------------------------------------------------------- 13. SPECIAL ATTRIBUTE (monsters only) bit 0 if set, wait for battle script to remove monster bit 1 affects palette? used by the four Crystals --------------------------------------------------------------- 14. SPECIAL FUNCTION (magic only) #$00 scan current HP and show #$01 miss #$02 no damage/heal #$03 revive + heal 3/4 max HP (all HP if timed) #$04 add Jump counter to base damage #$FF none --------------------------------------------------------------- 15. ENTRANCE STYLE, COIN ANIMATION (monsters only) bit 0-3 entrance style x0 none x1 slide in x2 long jump x3 hop 3 times x4 drop from above x5 zoom in from right x6 zoom in from left x7 spread out from back x8 hover in x9 ready to attack xA fade in xB slow drop from above xC wait, then appear xD spread out from front xE spread out from middle xF ready to attack bit 4,5 height from ground (up to 3 units) bit 6 small coin bit 7 big coin --------------------------------------------------------------- 16. MAGIC BYTES (ally starting stats / spell mods only) Byte 1 bit 0 / 00 - Jump bit 1 / 01 - Fire Orb bit 2 / 02 - Super Jump bit 3 / 03 - Super Flame bit 4 / 04 - Ultra Jump bit 5 / 05 - Ultra Flame bit 6 / 06 - Therapy bit 7 / 07 - Group Hug Byte 2 bit 0 / 08 - Sleepy Time bit 1 / 09 - Come Back bit 2 / 0A - Mute bit 3 / 0B - Psych Bomb bit 4 / 0C - Terrorize bit 5 / 0D - Poison Gas bit 6 / 0E - Crusher bit 7 / 0F - Bowser Crush Byte 3 bit 0 / 10 - Geno Beam bit 1 / 11 - Geno Boost bit 2 / 12 - Geno Whirl bit 3 / 13 - Geno Blast bit 4 / 14 - Geno Flash bit 5 / 15 - Thunderbolt bit 6 / 16 - HP Rain bit 7 / 17 - Psychopath Byte 4 bit 0 / 18 - Shocker bit 1 / 19 - Snowy bit 2 / 1A - Star Rain bit 3 / 1B - Dummy bit 4 / 1C - Dummy bit 5 / 1D - Dummy bit 6 / 1E - Dummy bit 7 / 1F - Dummy --------------------------------------------------------------- 17. ATTACK SOUND (hit) (monsters only) 0* = bite 1* = pierce 2* = claw strike 3* = Metallic Jab 4* = Slap 5* = Shell Knock 6* = Smash 7* = Deep Knock 8* = Punch 9* = Bonk A* = Flopping B* = Deep Jab --------------------------------------------------------------- 18. ATTACK SOUND (approach) (monsters only) *0 = None *1 = Starslap, Spikey *2 = Goomba tumble *3 = Amanita shrivel *4 = Guerrilla cry *5 = Pulsar *6 = Bones head spin *7 = Torte rant --------------------------------------------------------------- SHOP BYTES 00 Mushroom Kingdom 01 Rose Town Items 02 Rose Town Armor 03 Frog Disciple Shop 04 Moleville Shop 05 Marrymore Shop 06 Frog Coin Emporium 07 Sea Item shop 08 Seaside Town Items (before yarid) 09 Juice Bar (no card) 0A Juice Bar (alto card) 0B Juice Bar (tenor card) 0C Juice Bar (soprano card) 0D Seaside Weapons 0E Seaside Armor 0F Seaside Accessory 10 Seaside Health Foods 11 Monstro Town shop 12 Nimbus Land shop 13 Hinopio's Shop 14 Baby Goomba shop 15 Nimbus Land Item/Weapon 16 Croco's Shop 1 17 Croco's Shop 2 18 Toad's Shop 19-21 empty, unused shops